Sunday, February 18, 2007


I spent last weekend on a plane, so it shouldn't be too difficult to make this one a little better... Keeping in touch with my European roots I accepted an invitation to a Cologne Carnival here in Melbourne. Having spent many years hearing about the annual festivities from German colleagues its quite fun that my first experience of it would be on the other side of the world. As is traditional at the Carnival's source, our German hosts had insisted on fancy dress, so I spent most of friday panicking around the costume shop in town...
When Saturday came I enjoyed meeting others that had moved to Melbourne in the past year, although I'm not sure that I would ever recognise them again! I asked Oscar the Mexican (who was dressed as a nun) why he had chosen to come to Australia and he said that it was a choice between Australia and Canada, and Canada was cold. I could relate to that sentiment. I think that the real carnival in Cologne would have been a lot colder than our party!

I also played my first game of squash in Australia this weekend, turning up at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre for their social squash afternoon. Did my fair share of whooping and getting whooped, all whilst it was a balmy 38 degrees outside. I miss playing in England, but it is usually at this time of year that I am considering the development of sports-earmuffs to help stop my face from freezing up on court...

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